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Barley1 Leaf MAS 5.0 SCRI (Dec 06) - integrated probe set value for each gene has been calculated using MAS 5.0 algorithm which uses pixel values from both, PM and MM probes. Descriptions of probe set signal calculation can be found on this page below, section 'About Data Processing'.
The SCRI barley data set provides estimates of mRNA abundance in doubled haploid recombinant lines of cultivated barley. Embryo-derived tissues at four days after imbibition (150 lines) and seedling leaves at 12 days after imbibition (subset of 34 lines) and three biological replicates of each parental cultivar (Steptoe and Morex) for each tissue were used for the isolation of total RNA and hybridization to the Barley1 22K GeneChip (GEO GPL1340).
Experiment design
RNA Sample Processing:
Trizol RNA isolation and RNeasy clean up protocol for whole plants (embryo-derived tissue dissected from 4 days old germinating grains) and the seedling leaves (12 days after planting).
☠Grind tissue (9 embryos) with a mortar and pestle in liquid nitrogen
☠Add 5 ml TRIzol (pre-heated to 60oC) to all samples, vortex until all the tissue is thawed, place in the 60oC waterbath..
☠Incubate samples at 60oC for 10 minutes, vortexing three times.
☠Centrifuge @ 4000 x rpm @ 4C for 30 minutes (in Eppendorf 5810R).
☠While centrifuging, label new set of 15 ml tubes
☠Transfer supernatant to 15 ml centrifuge tube
☠Add 1 ml of chloroform. Vortex the sample until color shade is uniform at least 5
seconds, and incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes.
☠Centrifuge @ 4000 x rpm for 30 minutes @ 4oC.
☠While centrifuging, label new 15 ml tubes
☠Collect the upper aqueous layer (there will be about 3 mls) and transfer to a new 15 ml tube.
☠Add 0.6 volumes (2 ml) of isopropanol, mix gently, incubate at room temperature for 20 minutes.
☠Centrifuge @ 4000 rpm for 30 minutes @ 4oC.
☠Wash the pellet with 10 ml of cold 75% ethanol. Swirl & centrifuge at
4000 rpm for 15 minutes @ 4oC.
☠Discard supernatant, centrifuge for 5 min, remove the rest of the ethanol
☠Air-dry the pellet for 10 minutes, inverted on a kimwipe.
☠Dissolve pellet in 400 ul of DEPC-treated H2O. Resuspend by pipeting up & down a
few times.
☠Add 2 ul SuperaseIn. Incubate at 60oC for 10 minutes to resuspend.
☠Set water bath to 37oC.
☠Add 50 ul 10X DnaseI Buffer, 45 ul H2O and 5 ul of DnaseI, incubate at 37oC for 1 hr.
☠Prepare Buffer RLT (Rneasy Clean-up Midi Kit) by adding b-mercaptoethanol (10ul/1ml RLT).
☠Add 2.0 ml Buffer RLT to the RNA prep and mix thoroughly.
☠Add 1.4 ml ethanol (96-100%) to the diluted RNA. Mix thoroughly.
☠Label 15 ml tubes from the kit and place midi columns in them
☠Apply sample to a Midi column, close tube gently and centrifuge for 20 min at 3000 rpm.
☠Discard the flow-through.
☠Add 2.5 ml Buffer RPE to the RNA easy column, close the centrifuge tube gently,
incubate for 3 min
☠Centrifuge for 10 min at 3000 rpm. Discard the flow-through.
☠Add another 2.5 ml Buffer RPE to the RNeasy column. Close the centrifuge tube
gently, incubate for 3 min
☠Centrifuge for 10 min at 3000 rpm, remove flow-through
☠Centrifuge again for another 5 min.
☠Label new 15 ml tubes from the kit.
☠Transfer the RNA easy column to a new tube and pipet 250 ul volume of
RNase-free water directly onto the RNeasy silica-membrane incubate for 1 min
☠Centrifuge for 5 min at 3000 rpm.
☠To the same tube add again 250 ul H2O, incubate for 1 min.
☠Centrifuge for 5 min at 3000 rpm.
☠Label two sets of 1.5 ml Eppendorf tubes.
☠Transfer 490 ul to the one tube and 10 ul to another one. Use 10 ul tube for the RNADetailed descriptions of these procedures can be found under the ArrayExpress ( protocol P-MEXP-4631 (Caldo et al. 2004).
Replication and Sample Balance:
3 independent replicates of both parental cultivars Steptoe and Morex were generated for both tissues, embryo and seedling leaf.
Experimental Design and Batch Structure:
The following are ArrayExpress ( experiment IDs: E-TABM-111 (leaf, 41 chips) and E-TABM-112 (embryo derived, 156 chips).
About cases
The SM cross was originally made to map barley grain quality traits; Steptoe is high-yielding barley cultivar used for animal feeding, but Morex has good malting barley characteristics (Hayes et al 1993). Many agronomic quality traits have been mapped using this population (for the lists see BeerGenes web-site
The sample used in this study consists of 150 Steptoe x Morex doubled haploid recombinant lines (Kleinhofs et al. 1993) was used to obtain embryo-derived tissue. For the seedling leaf tissue a subset of 35 lines was used. This subset was selected based on evenly spaced crossovers along each of seven barley chromosomes. The expression data of 11 DH lines has been removed from both, embryo and leaf, leaving for the analysis 129 lines with embryo expression data and a subset of 30 lines with seedling leaf expression data. The lines were removed from the analysis after error checking; discrepancies with genotyping data were found. We left all 150 lines in the embryo Apr06 data set and the full data set is available from the ArrayExpress. The following table lists line IDs and corresponding CEL file IDs, also indicating:
1) pedigree; shows the direction of the cross that was used to produce the original F1. The parental plants were given letter codes of A - Z. For example, SM1 was derived from an F1 that was generated by crossing Steptoe plant "B" as a female with Morex plant "F" as a male.
2) 'minimapper' subset - MINI;
3) lines that have expression data removed - ERROR:
Order # Line ID Permanent Oregon ID Cross direction CEL file namesMini-mapper set Error check embryo data-set leaf data-set embryo data-set leaf data-set 1 SM001 2907001 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_82.CEL OK 2 SM002 2907002 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_1.CEL OK 3 SM003 2907003 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_19.CEL OK 4 SM004 2907004 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_3.CEL 0521-1_SetA1.CEL SMmini OK OK 5 SM005 2907005 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_88.CEL OK 6 SM006 2907006 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_48.CEL OK 7 SM007 2907007 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_35.CEL 0521-2_SetA2.CEL SMmini OK OK 8 SM009 2907009 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_2.CEL OK 9 SM010 2907010 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_42.CEL OK 10 SM011 2907011 Steptoe/Morex(QxG) AD_SCRI_10.CEL OK 11 SM012 2907012 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_45.CEL 0521-3_SetA3.CEL SMmini ERROR ERROR 12 SM013 2907013 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_78.CEL 0521-4_SetA4.CEL SMmini ERROR ERROR 13 SM014 2907014 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_18.CEL OK 14 SM015 2907015 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_5.CEL OK 15 SM016 2907016 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_21.CEL OK 16 SM020 2907020 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_77.CEL OK 17 SM021 2907021 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_30.CEL OK 18 SM022 2907022 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_31.CEL 0521-5_SetA5.CEL SMmini OK OK 19 SM023 2907023 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_32.CEL OK 20 SM024 2907024 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_33.CEL 0521-6_SetA6.CEL SMmini OK OK 21 SM025 2907025 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_34.CEL OK 22 SM027 2907027 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_12.CEL 0521-7_SetA7.CEL SMmini OK OK 23 SM030 2907030 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_79.CEL OK 24 SM031 2907031 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_16.CEL OK 25 SM032 2907032 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_13.CEL OK 26 SM035 2907035 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_15.CEL ERROR 27 SM039 2907039 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_41.CEL OK 28 SM040 2907040 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_83.CEL OK 29 SM041 2907041 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_11_redo.CEL 0521-8_SetA8.CEL SMmini OK OK 30 SM042 2907042 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_57.CEL OK 31 SM043 2907043 Morex/Steptoe(JxE) AD_SCRI_49.CEL 0521-9_SetA9.CEL SMmini OK OK 32 SM044 2907044 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_50.CEL 0521-10_SetA10.CEL SMmini OK OK 33 SM045 2907045 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_51.CEL OK 34 SM046 2907046 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_52.CEL 0521-11_SetA11.CEL SMmini OK OK 35 SM048 2907048 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_53.CEL ERROR 36 SM050 2907050 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_46.CEL OK 37 SM054 2907054 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_60.CEL OK 38 SM055 2907055 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_55.CEL OK 39 SM056 2907056 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_23.CEL OK 40 SM057 2907057 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_24.CEL OK 41 SM058 2907058 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_22.CEL OK 42 SM059 2907059 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_27.CEL OK 43 SM061 2907061 Morex/Steptoe(LxF) AD_SCRI_81.CEL 0521-12_SetA12.CEL SMmini OK OK 44 SM062 2907062 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_44.CEL OK 45 SM063 2907063 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_40.CEL 0521-13_SetA13.CEL SMmini OK OK 46 SM064 2907064 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_87_redo.CEL OK 47 SM065 2907065 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_54.CEL OK 48 SM067 2907067 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_73.CEL OK 49 SM068 2907068 Steptoe/Morex(OxG) AD_SCRI_56.CEL ERROR 50 SM069 2907069 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_71.CEL OK 51 SM070 2907070 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_64.CEL OK 52 SM071 2907071 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_58.CEL OK 53 SM072 2907072 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_59.CEL OK 54 SM073 2907073 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_74.CEL 0521-14_SetA14.CEL SMmini OK ERROR 55 SM074 2907074 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_25.CEL 0521-15_SetA15.CEL SMmini OK OK 56 SM075 2907075 Steptoe/Morex(QxG) AD_SCRI_120.CEL OK 57 SM076 2907076 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_112.CEL OK 58 SM077 2907077 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_142.CEL OK 59 SM078 2907078 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_86.CEL OK 60 SM079 2907079 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_153.CEL 0521-16_SetA16.CEL SMmini OK ERROR 61 SM080 2907080 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_107.CEL OK 62 SM081 2907081 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_105.CEL OK 63 SM082 2907082 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_97.CEL OK 64 SM083 2907083 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_89.CEL OK 65 SM084 2907084 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_155.CEL OK 66 SM085 2907085 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_149.CEL 0521-17_SetA17.CEL SMmini OK OK 67 SM087 2907087 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_113.CEL OK 68 SM088 2907088 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_93.CEL 0521-18_SetA18.CEL SMmini OK OK 69 SM089 2907089 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_148.CEL 0521-19_SetA19.CEL SMmini OK OK 70 SM091 2907091 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_110.CEL OK 71 SM092 2907092 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_7.CEL OK 72 SM093 2907093 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_122.CEL OK 73 SM094 2907094 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_150.CEL OK 74 SM097 2907097 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_158.CEL OK 75 SM098 2907098 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_121.CEL OK 76 SM099 2907099 Steptoe/Morex(QxG) AD_SCRI_137.CEL OK 77 SM103 2907103 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_156.CEL OK 78 SM104 2907104 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_70.CEL ERROR 79 SM105 2907105 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_69.CEL OK 80 SM110 2907110 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_75.CEL ERROR 81 SM112 2907112 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_84.CEL OK 82 SM116 2907116 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_117.CEL 0521-20_SetA20.CEL SMmini OK OK 83 SM120 2907120 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_138.CEL OK 84 SM124 2907124 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_146.CEL OK 85 SM125 2907125 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_43.CEL OK 86 SM126 2907126 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_144_redo.CEL OK 87 SM127 2907127 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_129.CEL OK 88 SM129 2907129 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_132.CEL OK 89 SM130 2907130 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_101.CEL 0521-21_SetA21.CEL SMmini OK OK 90 SM131 2907131 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_102.CEL OK 91 SM132 2907132 Steptoe/Morex(QxG) AD_SCRI_4_redo.CEL OK 92 SM133 2907133 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_157.CEL OK 93 SM134 2907134 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_159.CEL OK 94 SM135 2907135 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_72.CEL 0521-22_SetA22.CEL SMmini OK OK 95 SM136 2907136 Steptoe/Morex(QxG) AD_SCRI_123.CEL 0521-23_SetA23.CEL SMmini OK OK 96 SM137 2907137 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_39.CEL OK 97 SM139 2907139 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_133.CEL OK 98 SM140 2907140 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_134.CEL 0521-24_SetA24.CEL SMmini OK OK 99 SM141 2907141 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_136.CEL 0521-25_SetA25.CEL SMmini OK OK 100 SM142 2907142 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_6.CEL OK 101 SM143 2907143 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_145.CEL OK 102 SM144 2907144 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_103.CEL OK 103 SM145 2907145 Steptoe/Morex(QxG) AD_SCRI_108.CEL OK 104 SM146 2907146 Morex/Steptoe(BxF) AD_SCRI_91.CEL 0521-26_SetA26.CEL SMmini OK OK 105 SM147 2907147 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_139.CEL OK 106 SM149 2907149 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_131.CEL ERROR 107 SM150 2907150 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_37.CEL OK 108 SM151 2907151 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_28.CEL OK 109 SM152 2907152 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_9_redo.CEL 0521-27_SetA27.CEL SMmini OK OK 110 SM153 2907153 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_135.CEL OK 111 SM154 2907154 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_114.CEL OK 112 SM155 2907155 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_119.CEL 0521-28_SetA28.CEL SMmini OK OK 113 SM156 2907156 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_140.CEL OK 114 SM157 2907157 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_106_redo.CEL OK 115 SM158 2907158 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_65.CEL OK 116 SM159 2907159 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_168.CEL OK 117 SM160 2907160 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_47.CEL 0521-29_SetA29.CEL SMmini OK ERROR 118 SM161 2907161 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_76.CEL ERROR 119 SM162 2907162 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_147.CEL OK 120 SM164 2907164 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_128.CEL OK 121 SM165 2907165 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_143.CEL OK OK 122 SM166 2907166 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_115.CEL OK 123 SM167 2907167 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_127.CEL 0521-30_SetA30.CEL SMmini OK OK 124 SM168 2907168 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_130.CEL OK 125 SM169 2907169 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_118.CEL 0521-31_SetA31.CEL SMmini OK OK 126 SM170 2907170 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_151.CEL OK 127 SM171 2907171 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_165.CEL ERROR 128 SM172 2907172 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_152.CEL ERROR 129 SM173 2907173 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_104.CEL 0521-32_SetA32.CEL SMmini OK OK 130 SM174 2907174 Steptoe/Morex(BxH) AD_SCRI_154.CEL OK 131 SM176 2907176 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_141.CEL OK 132 SM177 2907177 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_111.CEL 0521-33_SetA33.CEL SMmini OK OK 133 SM179 2907179 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_166.CEL OK 134 SM180 2907180 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_161.CEL OK 135 SM181 2907181 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_162.CEL OK 136 SM182 2907182 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_163.CEL OK 137 SM183 2907183 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_164.CEL OK 138 SM184 2907184 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_160.CEL 0521-34_SetA34.CEL SMmini OK OK 139 SM185 2907185 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_167.CEL OK 140 SM186 2907186 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_62.CEL OK 141 SM187 2907187 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_61.CEL OK 142 SM188 2907188 Morex/Steptoe(CxF) AD_SCRI_63.CEL OK 143 SM189 2907189 Steptoe/Morex(QxG) AD_SCRI_80.CEL OK 144 SM193 2907193 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_36.CEL OK 145 SM194 2907194 Steptoe/Morex(OxJ) AD_SCRI_29.CEL OK 146 SM196 2907196 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_26.CEL OK 147 SM197 2907197 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_85.CEL OK 148 SM198 2907198 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_8.CEL OK 149 SM199 2907199 Steptoe/Morex(BxF) AD_SCRI_20.CEL OK 150 SM200 2907200 Morex/Steptoe(IxE) AD_SCRI_38.CEL 0521-35_SetA35.CEL SMmini OK OK parent Steptoe AD_SCRI_17.CEL 0521-36_SetA36.CEL parent Steptoe AD_SCRI_66.CEL 0521-37_SetA37.CEL parent Steptoe AD_SCRI_68.CEL 0521-38_SetA38.CEL parent Morex AD_SCRI_116.CEL 0521-39_SetA39.CEL parent Morex AD_SCRI_14.CEL 0521-40_SetA40.CEL parent Morex AD_SCRI_67.CEL 0521-41_SetA41.CEL
About tissue
Plant material according to the current plant ontologies: Embryo-derived tissues: whole plant (PO:0000003) at the development stage 1.05-coleoptile emerged from seed (GRO:0007056); Seedling leaves: primary shoot (PO:0006341) at the developmental stage 2.02-first leaf unfolded (GRO:0007060) (Druka et al. 2006).
To obtain embryo-derived tissue, growth room#2, AN building, SCRI, with the standard laboratory bench positioned in the middle of the room was used to germinate sterilized seeds. Seeds were placed between three layers of wet 3MM filter paper in the 156 10 mm Petri plates. Thirty to fifty seeds per line (per Petri plate) were used. Germination was in the dark, 16 hours at 17 deg C and 8 hours at 12 deg C. After 96 hours, embryo-derived tissue (mesocotyl, coleoptile, and seminal roots) from three grains was dissected and flash frozen in the liquid nitrogen. Germination and collection was repeated two more times. Complete randomization of the Petri plates was done for each germination event. Tissues from all three germinations (collections) were bulked before RNA isolation. Three replicates of the parental cultivars were germinated for each collection.
To obtain seedling leaves, three Microclima 1000 growth chambers (Snijders Scientific B.V., Tilburg, Holland) were used for the experiment. Each cabinet accomodated 40 (13x13 cm) pots. Humidity was set to 70%, with light conditions for 16 hours light at 17C and 8 hours dark at 12C. The cycle started at 10 am with lights on. Light intensity was 337-377 mmol m-2 s-1, measured at the beginning of the experiment, 11 cm from the light source. Measurement was done using Sky Quantium light sensor at 15oC. Plants were placed 55 cm from the light source (from the bulb to the surface of the vermiculite). Ten sterilized seeds per pot were planted and 3 pots per genotype / per cabinet were used. After 12 days, leaf blade and sheath from 5-7 the same size plants was cut off, bulked and flash frozen in the liquid nitrogen.
About platform
Affymetrix 22K Barley1 GeneChip probe array ( ; Affymetrix product #900515 GeneChip Barley Genome Array) representing 21,439 non-redundant Barley1 exemplar sequences was derived from worldwide contribution of 350,000 high-quality ESTs from 84 cDNA libraries, in addition to 1,145 barley gene sequences from the National Center for Biotechnology Information non-redundant database (Close et al 2004). Abbreviated annotations were created based on the exemplar sequence homology by Arnis Druka using data from the Harvest ( data depository.
About data processing
Types of the expression data-sets Data processing descriptionBarley1 Embryo gcRMA SCRI (Dec 06)
Barley1 Leaf gcRMA SCRI (Dec 06)
The Affymetrix' CEL files that were generated using MAS 5.0 Suite were imported into the GeneSpring GX 7.3 (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA) and processed using the RMA algorithm.
Barley1 Embryo MAS 5.0 SCRI (Dec 06)
Barley1 Leaf MAS 5.0 SCRI (Dec 06)
The MAS 5.0 values were calculated from the DAT files using Affymetrix' MAS 5.0 Suite.
Barley1 Embryo0 gcRMA SCRI (Apr 06)
Barley1 Leaf gcRMAn SCRI (Dec 06)The Affymetrix' CEL files were imported into the GeneSpring GX 7.3 (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA) software and processed using the RMA algorithm. Per-chip and per-gene normalization was done following the standard GeneSpring procedure (citation of the GeneSpring normalization description):
- Values below 0.01 were set to 0.01.
- Each measurement was divided by the 50.0th percentile of all measurements in that sample.
- Each gene was divided by the median of its measurements in all samples. If the median of the raw values was below 10 then each measurement for that gene was divided by 10 if the numerator was above 10, otherwise the measurement was thrown out.
Druka A, Muehlbauer G, Druka I, Caldo R, Baumann U, Rostoks N, Schreiber A, Wise R, Close T, Kleinhofs A, Graner A, Schulman A, Langridge P, Sato K, Hayes P, McNicol J, Marshall D, Waugh R. (2006) An atlas of gene expression from seed to seed through barley development. Funct Integr Genomics, Jul;6(3):202-11.
Kleinhofs A, Kilian A, Saghai Maroof M, Biyashev R, Hayes P, Chen F, Lapitan N, Fenwick A, Blake T, Kanazin V, Ananiev E, Dahleen L, Kudrna D, Bollinger J, Knapp SJ, Liu BH, Sorrells M, Heun M, Franckowiak J, Hoffman D, Skadsen R, Steffenson B (1993) A molecular, isozyme, and morphological map of the barley (Hordeum vulgare) genome. Theor Appl Genet 86:705-712.
Caldo RA, Nettleton D, Wise RP (2004) Interaction-dependent gene expression in Mla-specified response to barley powdery mildew. Plant Cell 16:2514-2528.
Close TJ, Wanamaker SI, Caldo RA, Turner SM, Ashlock DA, Dickerson JA, Wing RA, Muehlbauer GJ, Kleinhofs A, Wise RP. (2004) A new resource for cereal genomics: 22K barley GeneChip comes of age. Plant Physiol 134:960-968.
Hayes PM, Liu BH, Knapp SJ, Chen F, Jones B, Blake T, Franckowiak J, Rasmusson D, Sorrells M, Ullrich SE, Wesenberg D, Kleinhofs A (1993) Quantitative trait locus effects and environmental interaction in a sample of North American barley germplasm. Theor Appl Genet 87:392-401
Plant maintenance, tissue collection, RNA isolation, and data submission to ArrayExpress was done at SCRI by Arnis Druka with support from BBSRC/SEERAD grant SCR/910/04 The genetics of gene expression in barley' to Michael Kearsey (University of Birmingham, UK) and Robbie Waugh (SCRI, UK). Probe synthesis, labeling and hybridization were performed according to manufacturer’s protocols (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA) at the Iowa State University GeneChip Core facility (Rico Caldo and Roger Wise). ArrayExpress (EBI, UK) team members Tim Rayner, Helen Parkinson, and Alvis Brazma are acknowledged for excellent help with data submission to ArrayExpress.
Arnis Druka
Genetics Programme
Scottish Crop Research Institute
Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA
Angus, Scotland, United Kingdom
Tel +44 01382 562731
Fax +44 01382 568587
This text file originally generated by Arnis Druka on May 8, 2006. Modified Aug1 by AD. Entered by RWW Aug 4, 2006. Modified by AD Jan 29, 2007, Feb 01, 2007.